RAYMOND — The three-year-long “Save the Hawthorne House” fundraising campaign, launched to repair serious structural damage to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s boyhood home, is entering its last phase.

But the campaign still lacks the final $15,000 it needs to reach completion.

People can help save the 1812 home by making checks payable to “Hawthorne Community Association,” P.O. Box 185, South Casco, ME 04077. PayPal donations can also be made at hawthorneassoc.com.

“Work on excavating the granite foundation has now begun, and from the looks of things it’s a very good thing we began when we did,” said Abel Bates of the Hawthorne Community Association, according to a news release from the association. “The foundation was even worse than we thought.”

Bates said the urgent repairs were launched July 18 by a team of local contractors along with local volunteers, after it became clear that repairs to the house could no longer wait. Copp & Sons Building Movers lifted the building, and Jason Copp will pour the new footings and foundation.

Dave Blanchard removed the chimney and will excavate the old foundation, backfill, and re-seed. Larry Napolitano of Dirigo Masonry will block up to the correct height and position the granite veneer. Dale Plante of New England Specialty Stone will take care of the unused granite. Richard Bois will cut old granite so it can be reused.

TC Hafford Basement Systems will handle inside repairs required of the front (east) wall. A team of volunteers has cut and loaded timber for the floor supports.

For more information, contact Bates at 207-318-7131 or jbates4@maine.rr.com.

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