MANCHESTER — The Manchester Grange 172 members voted favorably June 18 on the proposal for membership from Elaine Bridge, Manchester.

Scholarship awards given at the Maranacook Community School graduation went to Shannon McGuire and Taylor McFarland.

The Grange voted a donation to the Howe’s Nursing Scholarship, given at the Maine State Grange’s annual session in October.

The Capital Campaign reports that the bid for the new standing-seam metal roof was given to Clyde Fowler Roofing and Construction Co., Gardiner, at a cost of $12,800, and a bid also to the Maranacook Masonry Co. for repairs to the chimney at a cost of $3,675.

Election of officers followed.

The annual craft show will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 3. Refreshments and fellowship followed in the dining room.

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