WINSLOW — Public hearings on a fireworks ordinance and a tax abatement order will be held at 7 p.m. Monday prior to the Town Council meeting.

Town Manager Michael Heavener said in his report that Code Enforcement Officer Frank Stankevitz has proposed that the sale of fireworks only be permitted in Winslow’s Mixed Use Zone as a conditional use, which would require approval of the Planning Board.

Stankevitz and Fire Chief David LaFountain, said Heavener, also proposed two annual inspections for buildings used in the sale of fireworks; the state requires one.

The tax abatement order provides reprieves on accounts that either have been deemed out of business or those in which the tax collector has said collection costs would likely be more than taxes collected. 

Second readings will be held on the fireworks ordinance and tax reprieve order at the meeting.
Heavener’s town manager’s report also lists several proposed street name changes

The Town Wide Safety Committee’s recommendations come in the wake of a police dispatch mix-up June 6, 2011. That night, Sarah Gordon dialed 911 to report that her husband was threatening to kill her on Marie Street.


Police, though, were dispatched to Murray Lane.

Soon after the call, Nathaniel Gordon gunned down his wife, Sarah outside their home and sped away; he later shot himself after being chased by state police on Interstate 95 in southern Maine.

The committee was tasked with reviewing street names and making recommendations to avoid future of mix-ups among like-sounding streets.

Recommendations are: Leo Street to Hemlock Street; Charlotte Street to Poplar Street; Marie Street to Primrose Street; West Baker Street to Apple Street and Private Drive to Deroch Court.

Heavener said affected property owners would be notified.

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