The 3C Society will be serving a free take-out Christmas dinner in Wilton again this year. Pictured during a recent planning meeting are from left Arleen Maselli, Kim Kerbo and Amanda Beane. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

REGION — Volunteers plus food and monetary donations are wanted for the 7th Annual Free Christmas Dinner put on by the 3C Society.

The dinner at the Harnden Masonic Lodge, 70 Bryant Road in Wilton will be take-out style again this year because of the coronavirus pandemic. Meals will be delivered by Santa and Mrs. Claus from 12-12:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 25, with help from Santa’s elf.

The meal will be ham, squash, potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, homemade coleslaw, a roll and choice of apple or pumpkin pie. Bags of cookies and fudge will also be given out.

“We could purchase everything, but it brings the community together,” Amanda Beane said. “It’s a way of holding each other up.”

“Volunteers are needed the day before and the day of,” Arleen Maselli of Knowlton Corner Farm said. “Dec. 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. is the prep day. We need volunteers to cut and peel vegetables, do other preparatory work. Come enjoy some hot chocolate and cookies with us.

“The majority of the work is done the day before,” she noted. “That’s when we need the most volunteers.”


Volunteers will also be needed starting about 9 a.m. on Christmas Day to help with final preparations and boxing up the meals. Afterwards there will be dishes to wash and other cleanup chores to complete.

“If there is anybody interested in singing Christmas carols or organizing that, give us a call,” Beane said. “It will be outside.”

“We would like singing while people are driving through to pick up their meals,” Maselli said.

“You don’t have to sign up for both days or even the whole time for either day,” Beane said. “Even an hour will help.”

“Christmas day can be tough for families to volunteer because of family obligations,” Kim Kerbo said. “Volunteering the day before and donating money or making cookies, pies or rolls can give families a sense of involvement.”

“It’s fun, not all work,” Beane said. “It’s a chance to get together and do something for the community.”


All protocols for COVID-19 will be followed, Kerbo said. Volunteers should plan to wear masks and wash hands frequently. Tables will be spread out to maintain social distancing while working, she added.

“It worked well last year,” Beane said.

“We’re looking for food items and cash donations,” Kerbo said.

The ham will be purchased and squash has been donated, but cranberry sauce and other menu items are needed, Beane said.

“The emphasis is on the cookies and fudge,” Maselli said. “We need 70 dozen cookies.”

“The cookies are always a big hit,” Kerbo said. “We try to avoid nuts in the cookies and fudge (because of potential allergies).”


There has been an average of about 150 people, including the volunteers at the dinner, Maselli said. Last year the meal was done by take out and few volunteers took meals home but there were still about 150 meals served, she said.

“People are missing out on social interactions (because of the pandemic),” Kerbo said. “That has got to be tough.”

The 3C Society (caring, compassion, and community) is a small group of local women who joined together to make a positive impact in their community. Their goal is to inspire friends and community members to come together to make a difference in the lives of others.

Kerbo joined the society this year.

“She has volunteered at the dinner for several years,” Beane said. “We’re very excited to have her.”

This is her first year helping with the planning, Maselli said.


“It’s great,” Kerbo enthused.

Those wishing to donate items are asked to let Maselli know what will be provided by Dec. 15 to help with planning. All donations should be dropped off at Knowlton Corner Farm by Dec. 22.

Reservations for the meal must be made by Dec. 22.

To make reservations, sign up for volunteering or donating, and for more information, call Maselli at Knowlton Corner Farm, 778-6520.

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