When people engage in political protests, mainstream media covering the story may only scratch the surface.

For protesters to clearly get the details of their political stance across, they need to consider covering their cause as members of the alternative media. For people to take them seriously, they need to be neutral. This way whichever side has their facts straight will prevail. Trust must be given for the audience to see where the truth lies in the protest.

Granted, if people write blogs, their audience might not be large. This is why alliances must be made with websites that have many members. A number of local independent businesses have online magazines in need of writers and reporters. They may not be paid positions, but the goal is to make information available. Even if the online website is for paid memberships, that information can be duplicated onto free websites or blogs.

The reality is, a ton of action is taking place at the state level. Investigative journalism probably would reveal how different events are connected. Even though it will take months for the pieces to fit together like a puzzle showing the big picture, it can be done. At this point, an online reference for mainstream media to conduct research will manifest. Hence, the next time a political protest takes place at the State House, people will know what the score is.

In conclusion, protesters should not rely on mainstream media to fully grasp their grievances at the time of interviews. Information needs to be broadcasted via alternative media, so mainstream media have a reference on what the protesters’ real deal is. The other asset is having forum for state politicians to also gain information on important issues that they vote on.

Doug Papa


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