Shown is “Bright Afternoon view to Muscongus Bay from Marshall Point, Port Clyde, ME” by Sarah Faragher. Submitted photo

Landing Gallery, 409 Main St. in Rockland, has announced the opening of “Portraits of Place,” a solo exhibit of 38 new paintings by Sarah Faragher through Sunday, June 26.

Faragher is a 1990 graduate of Colby College. Her work was included in “Art of Acadia”  by David and Carl Little. She was an artist-in-residence at Acadia National Park and the Weir Farm National Historic Site in Wilton, Connecticut, and has been invited many times to participate in Art Week on Great Spruce Head Island, according to a news release from the gallery.

“As I look back over 20 years of working with the landscape to create paintings together, I see that I’ve come to regard each place as individual, belonging to itself. Timeless. This group of paintings encompasses my ongoing interests as a painter and human being: recognizing the sentience of the land and all things of nature, describing contrasts of shadow and radiance and the continuum between them, and experiencing the endless cycle of life and the seasons, as a totality,” Faragher said.

The gallery is open from noon to 5 p.m. Thursday through Sunday.

For more information, call 207-239-1223 or find the gallery on Facebook.

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