This country is even more divided now then it was in the Civil War. We have to stop blaming each other for things we have all let happen.

Everyone makes mistakes, but the important thing is to recognize that mistake and fix it so it doesn’t happen again. The fact is, our country is in trouble, not because of our race, religion, preferences or gender; it’s in trouble because we as Americans have lost sight of what’s important and that is family, God and country.

Remember the words one nation and the word indivisible; I don’t ever remember seeing the words separated by party in any important documents.

We can’t fix what’s wrong in this country by fighting amongst ourselves, pointing fingers or expecting something for nothing, that’s how wars get started. Finding common ground is how war ends.

It is time we look outside the political affiliation box at the polls and vote for what and who is best for the entire U.S.

Russ Heyer


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