Anthem is having trouble with contracts throughout the state of Maine (“Health care providers say Anthem billing problems are widespread,” April 8). I now know one reason why.

I have had type 1 diabetes for 47 years. I recently had a major hypoglycemic event requiring medical help. My husband called 911, the ambulance responded, and I was taken care of at home, so I did not need to go to the hospital.

Anthem said that if I am not transported to the hospital, which was absolutely unnecessary in this case, they refuse to pay part of the bill. My husband and I believe that if transportation is not necessary, I should not be transported to the hospital. But in order for the bill to be paid, I must be transported to the hospital and take the unnecessary time and energy of medical personnel who should be treating true emergencies.

For Anthem to pay my bill I am required to be unnecessarily transported to a hospital, waste medical professionals, and pay a few extra thousands of dollars that are absolutely unnecessary. No wonder Anthem keeps increasing premiums for its members.

Kelly Seiders


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