As a member of the Waterville High School Gay Straight Alliance, I would like to thank the newspaper for the great article on Oct. 21 regarding the Waterville Unitarian Church opening its drop-in center for LGBTQ youth.

While it is true that, “A survey at Waterville senior and junior high schools in 2009 showed students reported sexual orientation and gender identity as the predominant basis for harassment,” the article doesn’t mention how supportive the staff and students at Waterville Senior High School have been as the alliance addresses the issues of safety and creating a welcoming climate.

We recently brought GLSEN’s Ally Week to our school and about 350 students and staff (half the school) signed our pledge agreeing not to use disrespectful or harassing language against LGBTQ students in our school and community.

Since our group was formed two years ago, we’ve had the full support of the principal and the Waterville faculty, staff and students.

Treva deMaynadier, China

Student co-chair of S.T.A.N.D. (Students Taking Action and Negotiating Diversity)

Waterville’s G.S.A.

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