I loved your article on the Maine State Employees Association contract talks.

I have never seen such a long list of complaints, accusations, character assassinations, crying, sniveling and whining by the MSEA/SEIU leadership.

Then I read their old executive director is back as their general counsel, and then it made sense.

Well, here is a news flash for the MSEA/SEIU leadership: 30 years of Democratic rule and the Baldacci administration are over.

There is a new sheriff in town.

Here is what is really foul, the MSEA/SEIU forces unionization by getting Baldacci to forcibly extract money from non-union state workers in return for a large campaign contribution, plenty of union staff help in the re-election, and MSEA headquarters refitted as a Democratic re-election location.

Getting our current good governor to be a patsy will be about as hard as getting a UPS driver to break company rules.

Larry Davis


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