Your article in Thursday’s newspaper concerning Herman Cain and his alleged “inappropriate behavior” is just another blatant attempt to “lynch” Cain in the press without any facts and is typical of your liberal bent.

While you are entitled to your opinion, your attempt to downplay his credentials to run for the presidency is both racist and even laughable.

It’s racist in that liberals like you want black conservatives like Cain, and before him Clarence Thomas, to “know their place.”

After all, he’s not smart enough to be the president of the United States.

The laughable part is that he is eminently more qualified to be president than our current lightweight commander-in-chief.

I think it really bothers liberals that the people of the United States might elect a man or a woman who actually likes America.


Barack Obama’s a joke and an embarrassment to our country. Almost anybody would be a refreshing change.


Steve Goodwin


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