I want to express my appreciation to Applebee’s restaurant for its gift of a free dinner for veterans on Veterans Day.

My wife and I went, and the restaurant was unsurprisingly packed. The free meal, which I had expected to be limited to a low-cost menu, was an offering of several regular menu offerings. It was delicious.

The waitress told me that more than 1,000 veterans had eaten there already. The attitude of every Applebee’s employee with whom I spoke was pleasant and positive, expressing their gratitude to our veterans.

While I appreciate Applebee’s generosity on my own behalf, I appreciate even more its generosity to all veterans. The restaurant has set a high mark for everyone else to strive to match, each in his own fashion.

Our veterans deserve a special measure of thanks for the sacrifices they made or offered to make. For many, the price has been very high: Shattered limbs, shattered lives, shattered psyches.

Every American has benefitted from their patriotic gift to us.

Thank you Applebee’s; thank you veterans.

Larry Hammes


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