The cuts to MaineCare proposed by Gov. Paul LePage are simply wrong, both morally and practically.

Taking care of our sick neighbors is part of the American tradition. Maine has led the way in our nation in doing this. We are good neighbors, and that’s what makes Maine a good place to live.

Those who argue that cutting off aid to sick people will improve the business climate misunderstand what makes for a good economy. Sick people can’t work. And unless you are willing to let them die, sooner or later someone has to take care of them, and that will cost money.

On the other hand, if you take care of them, they get better and then they can work again and contribute to the economy. It’s as simple as that.

Crisis or not, we have to resolve our budgetary issues in ways that reflect our moral values.

Jesus said that on judgment day the people who will be acceptable to him are those who took care of the needy and the sick. Those whom he will reject are those who failed to recognize that it was Christ who was thirsty, Christ who was naked, Christ who was sick. They were turning away from him when they turned away from the “least of these brothers and sisters of mine.”

David Doreau


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