I am writing in response to a “View From Elsewhere” on the Dec. 3 opinion page, titled, “When faith is a barrier to care, federal funds not assured.”

The editorial speaks about the Roman Catholic Church not willing to abort/kill babies, (whether that is a commandment, policy, initiative, goal or mission statement of any organization). That is one very small piece of the services this organization offers to our communities, but it therefore is unable to receive taxpayers’ money.

Does the federal government monitor all taxpayers’ money it sends out (or just the ones who tell the truth)? We taxpayers are sending out trillions of our hard-earned money to other countries with no idea how the money is spent, yet we want to be sure we don’t stop the killing of American babies (the barrier to care).

I find it disturbing that the term “care” and “abortion (death of a baby)” are synonymous.

In the written opinion, “care” apparently implies a concern for the person getting the abortion (to help hide a mistake) rather than the birth of a child.

I guess some of us taxpayers are not as “politically correct” as others.


Abortion is not the caring option that adoption is; which is exactly what Catholics promote.

So I believe it is time to send the politically correct “View From Elsewhere” back to Elsewhere!

Terry Perfetto


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