SIDNEY — Maine Arts Academy’s Student Theater Company plans this month to present “Wolf’s Bane,” an original play written by MeAA senior Ava Bickford and directed by senior Owen Hines.

The murder mystery thriller offers a wide array of exciting characters, according to a news release from Diane Manter, academy office manager and admissions director.

The production will take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 24, 4 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 25, and 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan 26, at the 11 Goldenrod Lane academy.

“Wolf’s Bane” takes place in 1932 in the fictional town of Owl Springs, Virginia, and centers around themes of power, control and overcoming fear.

“It’s about the dynamic between fear and bravery,” said student director Owen Hines. “Some people can transform and overcome fear and some get swallowed up by it. In order to make it through the night, these characters need to overcome fear and discover their bravery.”

MeAA’s Student Theater Company is focused on producing timely dynamic theater that is student-written, student-directed, and student-acted.


“My artistic goals feel tangible here,” said playwright Ava Bickford. “Everyone is so excited and motivated to be a part of this company.”

Tickets cost $15 for adults and $10 for students and seniors. A talkback with the cast and crew will follow the performances.

All proceeds will benefit the MeAA Student Theater Company and future productions.

For more information, visit or call Diane Manter 207-618-8908, ext. 901.



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