As someone from away who also owns and pays tax on a piece of lakeshore property in the state of Maine, I want to voice my concern about a few bills set to be voted on in the House.

The specific bills of concern are L.D. 219, L.D. 424 and L.D. 888, which all negatively affect the natural beauty and health of many lakes, ponds and wetlands in this beautiful state by removing protections and allowing development to sprawl ever closer to the water’s edge.

I could have purchased property anywhere in this country, but I chose to buy land on a lake in Maine because I knew it would look forever wild and remain untouched because of the existing laws.

I know many other people who do not live here year-round (but wish they could) feel the same.

If these new bills are passed, they could be a double whammy for the state; first, by destroying the natural charm and pristine quality of Maine’s waterways; and second, by reducing valuable tax revenue brought in by out-of-state dollars when these people decide to invest in other places where the land’s future will be better protected.

I hope Maine’s legislators will keep this in mind and be responsible stewards of the land by voting “no” on these three bills.

Tom Ferrero


and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

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