Rootstock Publishing announces the release of “Unleashed: Poems & Drawings” by artist and poet Betty Nadine Thomas of Hallowell.

With a hearty dose of humility and humor, “Unleashed” is a book of diversified poems and drawings taken from a variety of Thomas’ life experiences, traumas and events that have happened over her 70-plus years. She writes about love, the acceptance of all people, and all things mundane and spiritual. From dryer-lint bunnies to the 1960s Haight-Ashbury scene to spirit guides, her poems are unique, funny, truthful, pointed, occasionally controversial and always multidimensional, as stated in a new release from the publisher.

Thomas is the author of a previous book, “Purple Hats and Pink Tutus” (2007). Born in California, she has lived in three corners of the United States. She worked for VISTA in New Mexico, studied art and business in Arizona, and built houses in Washington State. Currently she boogie boards, draws and writes poetry in the smallest city in Maine.

A book launch party and poetry reading by the author is scheduled from 5 to 6 p.m. on Dec. 8 at Stone Broke Bread & Books, 347 Water St. in Gardiner.

Unleashed is available as an e-book and paperback for sale at Stone Broke Bread & Books, online at or with other book retailers.

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