Yes, unchaperoned children entering the United States illegally could easily become a “full-blown crisis” (View From Away, July 9, “Beyond the border crisis”). Obviously, our porous border needs repair.

Why not bring back the sponsor concept? Want to immigrate to the United States? In the 1950s, one needed a citizen sponsor, usually a relative comfortably assimilated here. That sponsor assumed full responsibility for introducing the immigrant to life here, providing necessary shelter and food, and keeping the new arrival off the welfare system.

Plus, immigrants were welcome if they had marketable skills. The children arriving today can’t offer any such thing. The concept of sponsor and employability needs to be re-implemented.

What about immigrants seeking political asylum? Say the immigrant has no sponsor and doesn’t know anyone in the United States. How about churches or adoptive families? Church groups were crucial in settling Vietnam refugees locally. Those families did receive short-term welfare. These funds seemed an investment as these immigrants were quick to get jobs or start businesses.

If only the children who are here unlawfully knew about the difficulties they will encounter, they probably could forge a better life staying in their native countries.

Truth can be a hard lesson. Our society can welcome only a few, is best not over-burdened, and best assimilates these potential new citizens in an orderly and practical manner.

Heidi Chadbourne


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