It seems to me we are beginning to see more unfortunate fallout from Gov. Paul LePage’s decision not to expand Medicaid-MaineCare coverage as part of the Affordable Care Act: the closing of long-term care facilities. I know about two, Volmer’s in Vassalboro and Pittsfield Rehab & Nursing Home.

These closings help fulfill the new Republican dream: shifting the burden of caring for the elderly and disabled to families who couldn’t do it in the first place, people who are no doubt struggling financially already, so that “we” don’t have to pay for it. And then there are the lost jobs of the former employees. A lose-lose-lose situation, why?

Where is the conscience in our lawmaking process?

I would like to hear more stories about the impact throughout our state of the shrinking of resources for the most needy among us. This trend certainly doesn’t make me feel any better for having saved money as we scramble to care for the sick and elderly, who will still need care, no matter what the Legislature thinks or does.

Phyllis Capanna


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