Vote Republican if at anytime you want to see the government shut down.

Vote Republican if you want the war on women to continue.

Vote Republican if you want to see the vote suppressed.

Vote Republican if you want Social Security to be privatized.

Vote Republican if you want the Koch brothers to run this country.

Vote Republican if you want the SNAP program reduced even more.


Vote Republican if you want our veterans benefits voted against.

Vote Republican if you want to see the jobs we have left go overseas.

Vote Republican if you want more tax breaks for the rich.

Vote Republican if you want business to tell a woman what health care she can have.

Vote Republican if you don’t want immigration reform.

Vote Republican if you don’t want jobs for Americans.


Vote Republican if you don’t want background checks before buying a gun.

Vote Republican if you don’t want roads, bridges, airports, schools upgraded.

There are some of the reasons I am voting Democratic on Nov. 4.

We have to vote all Republicans out of office. Go Blue!

Carol Roux


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