Do you make your voting decision based on issues or personality? Unfortunately, I think that most voters decide on the basis of a candidate’s likeability factor.

Some recent studies have indicated that perhaps as many as 70 percent may make their voting decision based on looks and personality. That is really too bad. How the person elected is likely to perform relative to what you believe about critical issues should be the deciding factor in who you vote for. It is, of course, understandable that a candidate could turn you off by an overly negative demeanor or by some major gaffe committed during a campaign.

Here is my dissection of Maine’s hotly contested campaign for governor, as I boil down how the candidates’ stand on the dominant ingredients of issues and personality.


Republican Gov. Paul LePage: Government is too big and is not the answer to all our problems. The solutions lie within the private sector in collaboration with government. Over-regulation is stifling business. Small business is the backbone of our economy. Education is the key to our future, but it must be reformed to include more choice, including charter schools. Welfare fraud and abuse is rampant and must be stopped. We must offer a hand up, not a handout. Entitlement programs, including health insurance, are not fundamental rights. Individual responsibility and accountability and the willingness to work for what you get is still the key to the American dream. Illegal immigration must be stopped.

Life is sacred and abortion is only a last resort. Traditional marriage, between a man and woman, is preferable and necessary to assure the survival of civilization.


Democratic Congressman Mike Michaud: Government is a positive influence in our lives. Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal policies saved America with Social Security and work projects during the Depression era. Medicare is another example of what government can do for the people. Income inequality and the loss of the middle class are serious problems. The minimum wage must be raised, a lot, and better paying jobs need to be produced. Wall Street and the nation’s banks are responsible for many of our country’s ills. The pay of business CEOs is obscene. Support of unions and the labor movement is critical to economic resurgence. The environment is being polluted by big business, so stronger regulations must be introduced. Global warming is a major threat to our future existence and must be curbed. All people in need deserve to be helped; government is the safety net. Our public schools and teachers are excellent and should be protected against the incursion of charter schools that siphon money from public education. Immigrants must be welcomed.

Reproductive rights belong solely to women and their doctors. Marriage equality reflects the rights of every adult to love whomever they wish and form a legally recognized union.

Independent Eliot Cutler: Best website defining his position on the issues. An early and ardent supporter of the environment. Believes government plays a significant role in our lives. Strong supporter of education. Believes his experience in business and world travel would be useful to attract investment and new jobs to Maine. He is pro-choice and for same-sex marriage.

Cutler was first with a book outlining his “plan” for Maine. It is extensive and impressive.

Cutler does not believe that partisan politics can prevail and that the solutions to our problems exist only with the independence of his candidacy to provide compromise and civility to the process.

personality, likeability


You will vote to re-elect LePage if you love his rough-tough, tell-it-like-it-is, non-political personality, provided you are not sufficiently offended by some of his remarks. LePage’s personal story is a powerful one and in many cases tends to excuse his confrontational style as governor.

You will vote for Michaud if you find him good-looking, energetic and affable. He is an attractive, telegenic candidate.

Cutler probably gets your vote if you find his personality commanding and professional and are attracted to his intellect and strong-speaking ability. The latter is why he wants more debates that could help you make your final decision.

My conclusions

If you are conservative on the issues, you probably will vote for LePage.

If you are liberal on the issues, you probably will vote for Michaud.


Cutler’s problem may be his difficulty in separating his views from those of Michaud, particularly as they pertain to entitlements and social issues. If you are not happy with either LePage or Michaud, then you will vote for Cutler as the alternative to both.

This is a Democratic state, but maybe a Republican year (like 2010), and the third candidate will again affect the outcome. One tough call, isn’t it? The nation watches.

The fate of our state rests on how we vote, and whether we base our votes on the issues or personality.

Don Roberts, a former city councilor and former vice chairman of the Charter Commission in Augusta, is a trustee of the Greater Augusta Utility District.

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