It is only fitting that I share a good news story this Christmas season.

Upon returning from out of town during the Thanksgiving holiday, my wife and I were greeted with a foot of wet, slushing snow in our 80-foot driveway in Augusta. While my wife remained at the driveway approach, I slogged through to our garage and broke out our trusty snow blower, which proved not so trusty at all. It got stuck 10 feet out of the garage and would not advance forward.

With the onset of a massive head cold the day before, I was feeling pretty poorly and wondered how I could get the job done. Just about the time I was feeling really useless, my wife flagged down a man and his daughter in a plow truck and asked if they would be willing to plow us out. At that point, I would have paid him whatever he asked just to get my family and me into the warmth of our house.

The man with the plow on his truck completed the job in less than 20 minutes. I thanked him and asked him how much I owed him. His reply was, “Nothing, you already paid me.” “How so?” I asked. “I have never met you before.”

The man looked me in the eye and asked, “You are a veteran, aren’t you?” I said, “Yes, but how did you know that?” He answered, “As I was plowing, I saw the veterans’ plates on your car, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!”

With that, he promptly drove off.

It may sound silly, but their random act of kindness, brought a tear to this old man’s eye, and left me with an added commitment to pay it forward.

Patrick Eisenhart


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