When Joseph Reisert (column, “Obama thinks his policies are just right, but he’s still getting it all wrong,” Jan. 23) refers to raising taxes on corporations, he omits two important points. First, that corporations are the entities that have not been paying their fair share, and second that they have increased their wealth at the expense of everyone else.

The first half of Barack Obama’s speech was not just sharply partisan, it was a recitation of facts.

Criticizing Obama’s not using the word “abortion” is nitpicking and ignores the possibility of finding a middle ground of agreement.

Folks on the right do keep referring to fraudulent voting, but without producing sufficient evidence of its occurrence. Reisert should stop with the straw man arguments (children, mentally ill folks and career criminals).

When Obama refers to better politics, he is not congratulating himself. If one wishes to know who is embittering our politics, one merely needs to read the statements of Republican politicians since the first day Obama took office. It’s regrettable that Reisert apparently counts himself among that number.

Bob Dodge


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