I am responding to the recent letter regarding Waterville Housing Authority (“Waterville Housing Authority is a community asset,” July 21). I read this letter several times, to make sure it was the same WHA office where I had worked and lived in one of their apartments for seven years.

I think that “Glenda the Good Witch,” wearing her lovely blue, sparkly gown and carrying her magic wand has been tripping through the WHA and maintenance buildings sprinkling happy fairy dust, giving everyone a wonderful new attitude and much-needed sensitivity training.

“Glenda” has apparently turned WHA and properties into another Goudeau’s Waterfront Retirement Community. I must visit Waterville and check this out.

WHA is not a bad place to work, and many of its rentals are decent. It is not, however, the incredible “Wonderland” of perfection and perpetual bliss that Wayne Rossignol depicted in his letter.

There are good tenants and not-so-good tenants. Some take great pleasure in “thumbing their nose” at the rules of the leases and do whatever they please, knowing there are no consequences for their actions.

Good tenants, who abide by the rules of the lease, maintain their apartments and pay their rent on time, have become disgruntled and disenchanted, realizing that WHA is doing nothing to correct the issues (this isn’t a new problem). They are tired of hearing, “We are working on it,” or, “We can’t do anything because of ‘privacy issues'”


Apparently, Rossignol and I look at this agency through very different rose-colored glasses. I seriously doubt that WHA has done a 360-degree turnaround in the past 21/2 years that I have been gone from the area.

Marieda Call, Camden

Retired administrative assisstant to

former director of facilities at WHA

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