Starks residents will be asked to raise $39,108 at a special town meeting Wednesday night to pay for a road repair project and improvements at the Starks Community Center.

Also on the meeting warrant are two articles asking residents to accept a $50,000 grant from the Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation and authorization for the Board of Selectmen to contract to pre-buy heating oil and diesel fuel for the coming winter.

The meeting is scheduled for 7:15 p.m. Wednesday at the Starks Community Center.

There are four items on the warrant, the first of which is to raise $31,108 for a bond payment on the River Road improvement project completed in 2014. The bond payment accidentally was left off the warrant for the annual Town Meeting, but the payment is not due until the fall, First Selectman Paul Frederic said.

He said the town has not yet set the 2015-2016 tax rate and that the effect of the additional funds should be minimal.

At the annual Town Meeting in March, residents voted to raise $25,000 less than selectmen had recommended for roof repairs at the community center after news that the town could qualify for a grant from the Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation to help cover the costs.


The foundation supports community projects and nonprofit organizations that often have ties to literacy, and the community center houses the Starks Public Library. The foundation has awarded the town $50,000.

At the annual meeting, residents also voted to appropriate $20,000 from the capital improvement fund and $25,000 from surplus for improvements at the Town Office, which include the roof repairs and energy efficiency upgrades.

Residents also will be asked to raise an additional $8,000, for a total of $103,000 to be spent on the upgrades.

The Board of Selectmen is asking residents to authorize them to buy heating oil and diesel fuel for the coming winter. “It’s something we thought would be prudent because of the current low prices,” Frederic said.

Rachel Ohm — 612-2368

Twitter: @rachel_ohm

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