I am motivated to write this letter after reading a recent letter by Alan Tibbetts, a Democratic candidate in the June 14 primary for House District 77 in Sidney and Oakland. He listed three recent, significant (and unnecessary) losses to Maine’s economy because of Republican opposition: Statoil wind project, Medicaid expansion, and the solar bill. The blocking of these initiatives is costing billions in economic development. For more, visit alantibbetts.net.

My husband and I have talked with Alan at length about local issues that we are concerned about: taxes, poverty, education, preserving the quality of life in rural Maine and supporting opportunities for families to make a good living. He is his own man and backs up his positions with facts and a lifetime of experience. He is fiscally conservative without victimizing the most vulnerable, truly an informed voice of reason in a crazy time.

Anita M. Morrissey


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