OAKLAND – A change in the town’s transfer station sticker policy will prevent residents from paying for other towns’ trash, according to Town Manager Gary Bowman.

Residents buy a transfer station sticker for their car window once. The sticker allows them to dump their trash at the transfer station and costs $2. But town officials found if a resident sold a car with a sticker to a non-resident, the non-resident could still deliver solid waste to the transfer station.

After a unanimous Town Council vote Tuesday night, residents will now be required to buy a new sticker every two years, as recommended by the transfer station committee. With the new rule in effect, Oakland won’t be paying the tipping fees on tons of trash from other towns, Bowman said.

The new stickers will start being placed on cars in November and will cost $1. Stickers previously cost $2.

The council also voted to elect Councilor Don Borman to the Maine Municipal Association Legislative Policy Committee. Borman had three votes; Sidney Selectman Kelly Couture had two votes.

Councilors also voted unanimously to approve all items in preparation for OakFest. The town parking lot on Center Street will be closed from July 20 through July 22, part of Main Street will be closed from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. on July 22, the boat landing will be closed until 12 p.m. on July 24 and the noise ordinance will be extended until 10 p.m. on July 22.

Madeline St. Amour – 861-9239


Twitter: @madelinestamour

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