The Access Hollywood video on Trump should be put in perspective. If Hillary Clinton wins we get Bill Clinton in the White House. Bill has had his share of sexual escapades and Hillary was allegedly an enabler. In recent Colin Powell and John Podesta emails there are suggestions that Bill is still chasing “bimbos.” Would Bill be entertaining bimbos in the White House?

The media does not report on Bill’s escapades, Hillary’s Wall Street speeches and leaked emails. The Clinton campaign and the Obama White House want to blame the Russians for the leaks to divert attention from the content of the emails, as if the devil made Hillary say what she said. Hillary wants open borders, and she wants Wall Street insiders, some of her pay-to-play donors, to be the ones to address Wall Street issues.

On April 23, 2015, at the Women in the World Summit, Hillary said, “Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth … deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.” Reproductive health care, a euphemism for abortions when used with “safe childbirth,” is an oxymoron and attacks on religion are reminiscent of Communist dictator Khrushchev.

Clinton also supports partial birth abortion, a procedure in which the abortionist pulls a living baby feet-first out of the womb into the birth canal, except for the head, where the abortionist punctures the base of the baby’s skull with a surgical instrument. Abhorrent.

Clinton campaign emails reveal campaign officials ridiculing Catholics and Evangelicals. These attacks on people of faith are consistent with Clinton’s attack on religion in her April 23 speech.

Unlike Clinton, Trump is an outsider, will change the status quo, clean up Wall Street, secure our borders, is pro-life and will defend religious freedom. Vote Trump.

David Alexander


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