It’s not just that Gov. Paul LePage’s words are an embarrassment to Maine. His actions have real, negative consequences. Time and again he has vetoed solid bipartisan legislation that would have helped the people of Maine. To list just a few, hetoed the solar energy bill at the cost of 650 homegrown jobs; he blocked Medicaid expansion, leaving 80,000 Mainers with no health-care coverage and depriving our struggling hospitals of $900 million in free federal funding; and he refused to issue voter-approved bonds for affordable senior housing.

LePage could not have succeeded in thwarting these and many more sound measures if it were not for his lackeys in the Legislature, like Scott Cyrway. This Election Day it is time for them to go, so that our state can have a chance to move forward. That is why I am voting for Henry Beck for state senator.

Christopher M. Bryan


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