In my final pre-election column, I wrote, “Trump is the only choice left.” Hillary Clinton, an untrustworthy and corrupt career politician, could not be rewarded with the presidency.

Some people are now acting like anarchists. I have seen poor losers, but the reaction of the progressive left is disgusting. Take a deep breath. Nothing terrible has happened. As a matter of fact something good has happened. The American people have delivered a blow for democracy. It still works!

Think about it this way. Donald Trump’s victory is the people’s victory. It is not about him. It is not a Republican victory. Most voters don’t care about political parties any more. Trump was right — it is a movement, and he was the only hope for change.

Our next president, in achieving the greatest upset in political history, has proven himself to be a marketing genius. Image and message are the making of any successful candidate. “America first; let’s take our country back; we are going to drain the swamp; we are going to make America great again.” And, finally — “What have you got to lose?”

Trump became the urgent agent of change in a moderate-conservative country upset with a malfunctioning government and its march towards socialism.

Relax — the worst-case scenario could be a new, better economy; lower taxes; rescue of our failing health care system; immigration limitations and border security; education reform; a more respected foreign policy; and a stronger military and a specific plan to defend us against radical islamists. Also, as represented by Vice President Pence, the moral pendulum swings back in the direction of the sanctity of life, religious freedom and a Supreme Court that believes in the Constitution. Not so bad.


President-elect Donald Trump may be a politically inexperienced, obnoxious alpha male, but he is a highly successful entrepreneur who surrounds himself with the best talent possible. Trump, a pragmatist, is now the voice of a great country that made up its own mind.

So let’s give Trump a chance, leave hate and division behind, honor the decision and unite behind a new president. Thank God the Electoral College prevented California, New York and predominantly left-wing media from permanently stealing our country from us.


As predicted, Rep. Chellie Pingree, D-1st District, and Rep. Bruce Poliquin, R-2nd District, return to Congress. Poliquin’s 10-point win was helped by Trump’s strength in the 2nd District.

I also correctly speculated Democrat Shenna Bellows would narrowly beat Bryan Cutchen in Senate District 14 because of Independent Joe Pietroski, who got 4,000 votes, 20 percent. Bellows, really not representative of her district’s constituency, was helped by a ground game and reliably Democratic Hallowell.

Senator Roger Katz, R-Augusta was re-elected 3-1.


Ken Mason, running as an independent after losing the Democrat nomination to interim Sheriff Ryan Reardon, upset the sheriff. Augusta gave Mason a large lead, 1,232 votes, going into the remainder of Kennebec County.

In twin twists of fate, as this columnist had hoped, Patsy Crockett rightly succeeds her late close friend Bev Daggett as a duly elected county commissioner, and Libby Mitchell succeeds her late husband Jim as judge of probate.

No surprises in Augusta: Mark O’Brien, with an impressive 6,000 votes citywide and Corey Wilson, 4,000, numbers rounded, easily defeated one opponent for two open at-large council seats.

Ward 3 provided competition. Favorite Harold Elliot Jr., with support from some politicians, defeated Stan Koski by 68 votes. Former Councilor Koski had moved from a different ward. The determining factor here , as I had anticipated in a previous column, was votes garnered by third-place finisher Jarody. He got 416 votes, 20 percent, with a surprising campaign.

Long-shot Holly Kiddli nearly upset school board at-large incumbent and pre-election favorite Ed Hastings, who was re-elected with 51 percent of the vote, a margin of just 185 votes. Wards 1 and 3 favored Hastings. Wards 2 and 4 favored Kiddli. Expect Kiddli to try again. Inexcusably, 1,277, 14 percent of those voting, left this ballot blank. The school board will probably have a 6-2 pro-administration composition, despite Hastings’ return.

The Augusta City Council, with O’Brien, Wilson and Elliot, now becomes much more conservative and better balanced.

Unfortunately, there were many complaints about the Augusta election at the polls and with the count afterwards. Our fine new city clerk needs a better plan and stronger election team next time.

Don Roberts is a veteran broadcaster, writer and political consultant. He has served Augusta as a city councilor at-large, charter commission vice chairman and utilities district treasurer.

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