It is with great pleasure that I write this letter to express my support for Stevens Commons. This project will enhance our community in a meaningful way, not only in the short term, but with long-term benefits for generations to come. One example is the creation of housing opportunities we so badly need in Hallowell.

In purchasing the parcel, local developer Matt Morrill has stepped up to the plate in a big way. And he has invited every single Hallowell resident to partner with him in the project. He’s hosted tours, attended multiple Planning Board and City Council meetings, and met with reporters to keep us all informed.

As many of you know, for the last 17 years, I have been involved in Hallowell’s municipal government, including as a Planning Board alternate for two years, City Councilor for eight years, mayor for four years, and now representing our city, along with Manchester and West Gardiner, in the Maine House of Representatives.

Throughout the years, we’ve struggled with the need for both affordable housing and elderly housing. We’ve worked to sustain affordable apartments. We’ve brainstormed ways to create single level housing. But despite all the hard work and good intentions, we’re losing our artists, musicians, and aging Hallowellians. We are struggling to meet their needs. With Stevens Commons, and the attached housing requirements, we can keep our beloved Hallowell residents where they belong — in Hallowell.

Further, the Stevens School property has been sitting as a dangerous deserted eyesore for years. I’m thankful that we have the opportunity to partner with Matt and Tammy Morrill. They have a proven track record of executing quality thoughtful development in Hallowell. They earned my trust through the process of creating the Hallowell Overlook project. I am thrilled to lend my support for Stevens Commons.

Rep. Charlotte Warren


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