There have been several stories in the last couple of years about Maine having the lowest governor’s salary in the country. The most recent article quoted Maine’s current governor: “I feel like a priest or a nun, you know. You go into poverty to serve the public.”

I find it hard to feel badly for anyone earning $70,000 a year, plus thousands of dollars worth of perks, when there are many honest, hard-working people earning minimum wage, which until recently was $7.50 an hour. A person working 40 hours per week for 52 weeks at $7.50 an hour earns $15,600 a year, which is slightly more than 22 percent of the governor’s salary. This is the same governor who advocated against raising the minimum wage.

And this is the same governor who has failed so miserably at his job that any salary at all is far more than he is worth.

All that said, I propose the state of Maine offer this governor an early buy-out. Maine could give the governor many millions of dollars to go away.

Alan Williams


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