I encourage my fellow members of the underclass — by whom I mean the poor, the elderly, the disabled, and all those others that have been the target of the hubris of an economic fascist governor with his cabal of commercial Darwinists — that, at least on the state level, the end is in sight. You need only to survive until Jan. 2, 2018, when Paul LePage and his cronies crawl back under their well-funded rock.

Until then — while the young, the wealthy, and the wise pontificate on the sorry state of affairs while driving home in their $40,000 cars and natter away on blogspots and electronic social networks, secure in their health and their moral superiority — it is we, the underclass, who must survive the remaining days in the ghetto of vulnerability and despair.

Do what you must for yourselves, your children and your brothers and sisters by whatever means; the ballot box or the streets, and don’t lose hope.

Peter Froehlich


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