The governor’s revised budget contains a poison pill: page 16 cuts funding for Maine’s school Civil Rights Team Project.

I have been an (unpaid) co-adviser to my high school Civil Rights Team for years. The funding of the CRTP allows my team to receive a day of training in standing up to bias-related bullying each fall, and recently to attend a day long conference at the Civic Center to share our year’s activities.

Last week my team presented to other high school teams on how we responded to KKK recruitment flyers being found at our school. My team created poetry installations with the theme “Everyone is welcome at Carrabec High School.” The majority of students at our school submitted a poem, including those with special needs who are often targeted for harassment.

In a time when bias-related assaults are on the rise, and teen suicide related to bullying is a common occurrence, why would we defund one of the most effective ways schools have to educate and empower students around these issues?

Lisa Savage


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