Is anybody noticing the millions of gallons of water being trucked through Kingfield, Anson, Madison, etc., every day? The trucks don’t have the company name on them so maybe people don’t realize the water that feeds our underground aquifers is being shipped out by the truck loads all day long. The last two summers have been dry, and the grounds have not recovered from the drought of last summer.

I live in a 200-year-old house — there’s no pool, washing machine or anything that would require a lot of water. There’s only two people here and our well went dry for the first time in 200 years, that we know of.

Is the state making any money for this? The lifeblood of our land is being sucked out of the Earth, and we have to sit back and take it? Alaskan people receive a kickback for oil taken from their land. Well water is our blessing and it’s being drained. Anybody?

Jane Mullin


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