More than four months have passed since my accident. The memories of the accident, the injury, the searing pain have diminished somewhat, but two specific things about that experience have not — the incredible kindness of strangers who stopped and tended to me until the ambulance arrived, and my regret that I do not have the names of my “accident angels.”

I am hoping that this letter will somehow reach them to let them know that I vividly remember their acts of kindness to this stranger that day. How do I truly thank others for responding to screams for help, calling the ambulance and standing watch over me, for calling my daughter, tending to my motorcycle, and kneeling beside me and holding my hands as the pain ebbed and crashed over me? How does one every repay such a debt other than being determined to “pay it forward” whenever the opportunity arises?

These men and women, unknown by name, have often come to mind as I faced surgery, spent time in a wheelchair, tackled moving around with a walker, and, joyfully, stood and walked again — unsteady, yet determined. They were the beginning of the healing process for me. Kindness has a way of cutting through pain and fear and the unknown.

So, a heartfelt thank you to those who stayed with me after my accident on Russell Street in Readfield during the Memorial Day weekend. Hopefully, you will read this letter to the editor or have someone mention it to you and you will know how much your actions touched me and gave me hope.

Donna McGibney


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