Columnist Jim Fossel says it is up to Democrats to find a way to fund Medicaid expansion (“Lines drawn over MaineCare expansion,” Nov. 19). The people of Maine made it clear that they want to expand Medicaid. It was not a close vote, nor was the question upon which they voted vague in any way.

I am puzzled as to why Republicans have no responsibility? Actually, I’m not. Politicians from both parties have left us with state legislatures and a Congress incapable of working together in our interest. This is just one more example.

How long will it take for the American voter to decide that he or she has had enough? I am afraid I won’t live long enough to see it. We have no confidence in politicians, yet we keep sending people to represent us who have proved their party comes first.

Polarization is hurting us. Our legislatures and our Congress are supposed to represent everyone, not just the party with the most votes. We cannot expect them to change this dynamic until we show them through our vote that we have truly had enough, that we deserve no less than their best.

How bad does it have to get before we demand change? Can we ever return to a time when, as the Rt. Rev. Stephen Lane said in his Maine Compass article, “…that we are all in this together, that we all matter, that every life is sacred, and that we will not let one another fall.” This is more than a nice sentiment. It is a contract with ourselves to make better decisions every day.

Dean Crocker

Estero, Florida, and Manchester

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