The Friends of the Belgrade Public Library always offer a busy calendar of fundraising events. This year’s activities include a yard sale, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., at Day’s Real Estate on June 9. They also have a July 4th book and baked goods sale, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Center for All Seasons.

This year’s annual 5k Walk-Jog-Run Road Race on July 14 is at an earlier date than in past years, notes organizer Judy Johnson. Registration can be done in advance online ( or in-person, starting at 7:30 a.m., for the 8 a.m. start at the Belgrade Central School.

Although the schedule has not been finalized, the Belgrade Village Fourth of July events will include plenty of traditional activities, including a 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. boat parade from Mill Stream on Great Pond to the Village and a 4 p.m. Grand Parade down Main Street, a frog jumping contest, and fireworks on Long Pond. If fireworks are rained out, they’ll be held on July 5. Belgrade’s businesses traditionally host special events on Independence Day, including music, sales and menu specials.

The Fire Department will have its toll booth fundraiser on the 4th of July. Drivers can avoid a make-believe ticket by making a small donation. The Fire Department also will host their annual bean-hole baked bean supper on Saturday, August 4 at the Center For All Seasons. The bean supper has been a tradition since the 1960s. Volunteers soak at least 150 pounds of beans in big cast iron pots. The Fire Department starts the fire on Friday, and when it burns to searingly hot embers, they put the pots of beans into it. The pots of beans cook slowly until 5 p.m. on Saturday, when crowds of enthusiastic fans line up for a taste of Maine’s traditional Saturday night supper. The event is followed by another annual tradition: the Loon Calling Contest at the dam between Great and Long Ponds in the village.

The lakeside lawn behind Day’s Store bustles with activity throughout the summer. Starting on June 26, the annual Lakeside Open Mic Night with Christine Poulson runs every Tuesday, from 6-8 p.m. Thursday nights are Movie Nights, starting at dusk: The all-ages films include The Greatest Showman, July 5; Mary Poppins, July 12; Wonder, July 19; The Sandlot, July 26; Despicable Me, Aug. 2 and The Secret Life of Pets, Aug. 9. Many movie-goers motor across the lake and watch from their boats, while others bring blankets or chairs and sit on the lawn. Store owner Diane Oliver advises everyone, “Bring your bug spray!”

Oliver also said the store will host wine tastings from 5-7 p.m. on Tuesday nights, from June 26 through August 21.


The store’s family will celebrate “Cheers to 60 Years of Business” on Saturday, July 21. The all-day event includes live music, a Gifford’s Ice Cream Tasting and lots of other events. To see the schedule, visit Day’s Store on Facebook.

From 2-5 p.m., on Sunday, Aug. 12, the Lakeside Dam Jam Concert will feature Jones’n, a band that specializes in non-stop, high-energy modern and classic rock, reggae, soul, R&B, disco, pop, jazz standards and funk.

For golf lovers, two of Maine’s premier golf destinations, Belgrade Lakes Golf Club and Sugarloaf Golf Club, are located just 60 miles apart. They have teamed up on July 22 for the 3rd Annual ThirtySixSixty golf tournament, featuring 18 holes at each course, played on one day. Registration is $280 per person and includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, prizes and transportation between the venues. For more details or to register, contact Sugarloaf Golf Club at (800) THE-LOAF.

The Belgrade Region Conservation Alliance and the Maine Lakes Resource Center have joined recently to become the 7 Lakes Alliance. Their new logo will accentuate the connection between the lakes and the land, emphasizing that the organization is both a lake and a land trust.

“You’ll hear more about our new name and mission as we make plans for a more formal rollout,” said Mel Croft, the new 7 Lakes Alliance President and Interim Executive Director.

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