The Sandy River Ramblers will perform at 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12, at Salem Community Church, 1729 Salem Road in Salem.

The free concert will feature bluegrass, Gospel songs and hymns, and songs about Maine. A potluck lunch will be available.

“We’ve been doing quite a few shows in churches lately. We love singing Gospel songs and hymns, so we’re very excited to be doing this show.” Stan Keach, the bandleader and chief songwriter, said in a news release from the band.

The band includes the virtuoso banjo stylings of Bud Godsoe, of Madrid; vocally, there’s lots of variety, with lead singing by Keach, Julie Davenport and Dana Reynolds. The 3- and 4-part vocal harmonies are another major asset of the band.

Attendees are encouraged to bring a favorite dish to share. There will be no admission fee, but donations will be gratefully accepted.

For more information, call Keach at 397-2241, or Chris Bethune at 678-2771.

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