Portland voters fill out their ballots at East End Community School on Tuesday. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer Buy
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Portland voters fill out their ballots at East End Community School on Tuesday.
Clarajane Watkins, 2, sits while her dad, Jamie Watkins, votes at Woodfords Club in Portland on Tuesday,
People stand in line to vote at Woodfords Club in Portland.
Cheryl Leeman, center, points out some of the early results to Portland mayoral candidate Mark Dion, right, being projected at his election night party for at Bruno’s Restaurant & Tavern on Tuesday. Leeman, who is Dion’s campaign manager and a former Portland city councilor and mayor, said they are feeling very excited about the initial results. Matt Buonopane, who is running for city council District 5 in the Portland, stands to the left of them.
Portland Mayoral candidate Andrew Zarro, center, watches results on a large screen with his husband and campaign manager, TJ Zarro, right, at Woodfords Food and Beverage on Tuesday night.
Portland mayoral candidate Pious Ali checks returns on a laptop while flanked by supporters Feza Wembo, left, and Amran Osman on election night at Gateway Community Services in Portland.
Justin Costa greets voters at Grace Baptist Church in North Deering in Portland on election night.
Mayoral candidate Dylan Pugh holds the door for a voter at the First Baptist Church polling location on Casco Road in Portland on election night.
Gwendolyn Sherman, 8, twirls around in her mother's coat while waiting for her to finish voting at Biddeford High School on Tuesday.
Justin Costa and Pious Ali, who are running for Portland mayor, greet a voter at Grace Baptist Church in North Deering in Portland on election night.
The voting booths at Biddeford High School remain busy on Tuesday afternoon.
Anne Strout shows Joshua McCauley, 20, where to cast his ballot while voting at Biddeford High School on Tuesday. Strout has been volunteering at the polls for over 30 years.
Saco residents wait in line to cast their votes at Thornton Academy in Saco.
Daud Osman, center, helps Aden Ibrahim decipher some of the language on Tuesday's ballot at the Ward 5 voting location in the Longley School in Lewiston. Rachid Farah waits to the right.
Cars line Birch Street in Lewiston as voters from Ward 4 and 5 take every available parking space for blocks as they enter the Longley School to vote Tuesday.
Election clerks Sandra Braden and Alicia Harding, right, help voters as they arrive at Merrill Auditorium on Tuesday morning.
Heather Fitts holds her 20-month-old son, Aizen, after voting with the boy’s dad, Cedric, at Thomas College in Waterville on Tuesday.
Roger Hale, who has lived in Scarborough since 1971, puts a sticker on his shirt after voting at Scarborough High School on Tuesday morning.
Alicia Hicks-Merrill exits after casting her ballot Tuesday at the Boys and Girls Club in Auburn. "I signed a petition last year for the Right to Repair," Hicks-Merrill said. "It's great to see my vote actually doing something."
Nathan Freve casts his ballot Tuesday for the Ward 7 election as election worker Susan Turcotte assists him at the Longley School in Lewiston. Freve had his 2-year-old son with him, who he hopes will get more interested in voting and eager to vote himself.
Leah Burke of Portland pets Tam, her 7-year-old Whippett rescue, while voting at Merrill Auditorium on Tuesday. Burke said that Tam has voted with her at every election since she got him.
Betty Perry puts on a sticker after voting at Scarborough High School on Tuesday morning. Perry, a substitute teacher in Scarborough, said: "I know how hard the portables can be. We can just cross our fingers and hope for the new school."
Bob Bery casts his ballot at Scarborough High School on Tuesday morning. The Scarborough resident said that the proposed new school was the biggest issue for him: "Our taxes are already pretty high."
Todd Blanchette, representing "No on A" and "Yes on 3", talks to Damien Harris outside the voting polls at Deering High School on Tuesday.
Voters fill out ballots Tuesday at Hall-Dale Elementary School in Hallowell.
Hallowell Ward 2 Councilor Michael Frett greets voters Tuesday at Hall-Dale Elementary School in Hallowell.
Hannah Berry, a Ward 2 city council candidate, and Councilor Maureen Aucoin, a candidate for mayor, greet voters Tuesday at Hall-Dale Elementary School in Hallowell.
Tim Fahey, center, and Meghan Condry, both of Scarborough, support Scott Doherty, a candidate for Town Council, as people visit Scarborough High School to vote on Tuesday.
Election clerk Alicia Harding helps voters as they arrive at Merrill Auditorium on Tuesday morning.
Election clerk Sandra Braden helps voters as they arrive at Merrill Auditorium on Tuesday morning.
People walk into Scarborough High School to vote on Tuesday morning.
An election official directs a voter at Thomas College in Waterville on Tuesday.
Volunteer Martin Hazlehurst assists a voter at Thomas College in Waterville on Tuesday. Hazlehurst is a student at Waterville Senior High School.
Lewiston voters enter one room for Ward 4 and another for Ward 5 on Tuesday at the Longley School.
Voters cast their ballots Tuesday in the Boys and Girls Club in Auburn. Election officials requested two additional voting stations due to long lines, which they attributed to the lengthy ballot questions.
A steady stream of voters fill the booths at Merrill Auditorium in Portland on Tuesday morning.
Voters walk towards a sign by the gym door Tuesday at Hall-Dale Elementary School in Hallowell.
Election worker Joy McKenna greets Ward 3 voters Tuesday at the Augusta Civic Center.