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After two years, the Unity College bear study team managed to affix a video collar onto a black bear for the first time Thursday morning in Unity Plantation. Photo by Matt Hongoltz-Hetling
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Photo by Matt Hongoltz-Hetling |
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After two years, the Unity College bear study team managed to affix a video collar onto a black bear for the first time Thursday morning in Unity Plantation.
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Photo by Matt Hongoltz-Hetling |
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After two years, the Unity College bear study team managed to affix a video collar onto a black bear for the first time Thursday morning in Unity Plantation.
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Photo by Matt Hongoltz-Hetling |
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Their job complete, members of the Unity College bear study team pose for a picture with a captured, sedated bear just before it regains its senses. After two years, the team managed to affix a video collar onto a bear for the first time Thursday morning in Unity Plantation.
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Photo by Matt Hongoltz-Hetling |
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Leon Burman, left, and Jonah Gula, work on a sedated bear in Unity Plantation, Thursday morning. After two years, the Unity College bear study team managed to affix a video collar onto a black bear for the first time.
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Photo by Matt Hongoltz-Hetling |
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In Unity Plantation, Kari Lemelin affixes a syringe containing sedatives onto a pole held by Christian Carlson Thursday morning shortly before both members of the Unity College bear study team helped affix a video collar onto a black bear for the first time.
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Photo by Matt Hongoltz-Hetling |
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Evan Donoso works on the teeth of a sedated 180-pound black bear. After two years, the Unity College bear study team managed to affix a video collar onto a bear for the first time Thursday morning in Unity Plantation.
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Photo by Matt Hongoltz-Hetling |
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Jonah Gula and Leon Burman work on a sedated black bear. After two years, the Unity College bear study team managed to affix a video collar onto a bear for the first time Thursday morning in Unity Plantation.