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Jason Stephenson, 40, of Waterville, in front of the Universalist Unitarian Church on Silver Street Thursday as the Evening Sandwich Program opened at 4 p.m., said he was friends with Lexxi T. Sironen and that she "had a good heart." Staff photo by Madeline St. Amour
Gallery: Waterville locals remember Lexxi Sironen -
Staff photo by Madeline St. Amour |
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Jason Stephenson, 40, of Waterville, in front of the Universalist Unitarian Church on Silver Street Thursday as the Evening Sandwich Program opened at 4 p.m., said he was friends with Lexxi T. Sironen and that she "had a good heart."
Gallery: Waterville locals remember Lexxi Sironen -
Staff photo by David Leaming |
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Chelsea Letourneau speaks about her friend Lexxi T. Sironen at Head of Falls in Waterville, saying Sironen "would've helped anybody" and "loved her life."
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Lexxi T. Sironen
Gallery: Waterville locals remember Lexxi Sironen -
Staff photo by Madeline St. Amour |
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Authorities convene Tuesday morning near the Lockwood Dam along the Kennebec River in Waterville as a body is recovered from the water. Police said Wednesday that the remains were those of Lexxi T. Sironen, a transient who had been living near the river in Waterville.