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    Homeless Youth in Maine published 03/02/2023 - Andree Kehn/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Dylan Collins, right, and Alex Southworth wheel a loaded shopping cart down Lisbon Street on Feb. 23 to the Lewiston Public Library. The library is welcoming to homeless people and is a popular spot for people to stay warm as they move from spot to spot in the city during cold weather.

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    Homeless Youth in Maine published 03/02/2023 - Andree Kehn/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Noah Nelson sits in the living room of New Beginnings' Marian's House in Lewiston. The house provides 24-hour emergency housing and support for youths ages 10 to 19 years old who are runaway, homeless, or facing intense family conflict.

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    Homeless Youth in Maine published 03/02/2023 - Daryn Slover/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Breezy Napier of Lewiston serves on the Youth Action Board at New Beginnings in Lewiston.

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    Homeless Youth in Maine published 03/02/2023 - Andree Kehn/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Alex Southworth, right, walks with a friend to a pawn shop on Feb.18 with a vacuum cleaner and a tent that had been donated to them in hopes of pawning them. Southworth is recently homeless and struggling to figure out how to get back into a better living situation.

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    Homeless Youth in Maine published 03/02/2023 - Andree Kehn/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Alex Southworth is new to being homeless and has been learning the ropes from a community of homeless people he met on the steps of the Calvary United Methodist Church in Lewiston. He says he really misses his child and is hoping to get employed again and figure out how to straighten his life out.

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    Homeless Youth in Maine published 03/02/2023 - Andree Kehn/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Alex Southworth is new to being homeless and has been learning the ropes from a community of homeless people he met on the steps of the Calvary United Methodist Church in Lewiston. He says he really misses his child and is hoping to get employed again and figure out how to straighten his life out.

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    Homeless Youth in Maine published 03/02/2023 - Andree Kehn/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Alex Southworth and Cassandra Vannah hang out on Feb. 23 in the Lewiston bus station eating lunch they got from Trinity Jubilee. Vannah calls Southworth one of her children, and she gives him lots of "tips" on how to get by living on the streets.

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    Homeless Youth in Maine published 03/02/2023 - Daryn Slover/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Once homeless, Breezy Napier of Lewiston now serves on the Youth Action Board at New Beginnings in Lewiston.

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    Homeless Youth in Maine published 03/02/2023 - Daryn Slover/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Auburn School Department's homeless liaison Sasha Anastasoff, left, talks with a student on Dec. 22 about plans to attend college. Behind Anastasoff is a bookshelf full of snacks that students can come into her office at Edward Little High School and grab.

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    Homeless Youth in Maine published 03/02/2023 - Andree Kehn/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Noah Nelson sits in the living room of New Beginnings' Marian's House in Lewiston. The house provides 24-hour emergency housing and support for youths ages 10 to 19 years old who are runaway, homeless, or facing intense family conflict.
