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  • Published
    November 6, 2011

    Recap: Wherewe stand on Questions 1,2,3,4

    At first glance, Tuesday's election might seem less significant than some we've seen -- no candidates for president or governor on the ballot, no earth-shattering, society-altering cultural issues to confront.

  • Published
    November 6, 2011

    With gambling question,the jobs count the most

    One of my early attractions to newsrooms was the intriguing collection of characters and rogues who practiced their craft in settings that were mostly dark and dingy, but somehow conveyed an energy that was both raw and fine-tuned.

  • Published
    November 5, 2011

    Sorry liberals, we’re all out of other peoples’ money

    "We sacrifice a little bit of freedom for every dollar the government spends." - Lance Dutson, CEO, Maine Heritage Policy Center

  • Published
    November 4, 2011

    With economy stuck, nation needs inspiration

    Franklin Roosevelt assured the country there was nothing to fear but fear itself. Ronald Reagan urged us to stay the course. Bill Clinton found hope in pop culture and Fleetwood Mac, serving up inspiration with a song: "Don't stop, thinking about tomorrow ..."

  • Published
    November 3, 2011

    True or false,it’s time for Cainto face the music

    Wouldn't you know it? And just when things seem to be going so well.

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  • Published
    November 2, 2011

    Cutting budget?Here’s an ideathat’s really bad

    There are bad ideas and there are really bad ideas. Maine's budget-cutting task force was presented with a really bad idea last week and should reject it out of hand.

  • Published
    November 1, 2011

    GOP nomination race runs down rabbit hole

    The Republican presidential campaign just gets curiouser and curiouser.

  • Published
    October 31, 2011

    Was America’s Shock and Awe war worth it?

    After nearly nine years, the deaths of more than 115,000 Iraqi civilians and more than 4,400 U.S. troops, and the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars, President Barack Obama has said the last American soldier would leave Iraq by year's end with his head held high.

  • Published
    October 31, 2011

    Time to review Japan’s global beef import rules

    An advisory panel of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will start reviewing Japan's system to prevent beef contaminated with mad cow disease from entering the human food chain. The panel will consider whether the nation's guidelines for testing cattle for the disease, which are arguably the strictest in the world, and its restrictions on beef imports based on the guidelines are reasonable.

  • Published
    October 31, 2011

    Obama’s new mortgage relief program better

    Unlike his Home Affordable Refinance Program that failed to garner widespread participation owing to unaccountable complexity, President Barack Obama's new initiative eliminates homeowner fees associated with refinancing, removes squirrelly income requirements, provides loans at rock-bottom prices and reduces risk for the banks involved.