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  • Published
    June 27, 2024

    Freeport-area parents aim to curb cellphones in schools

    The group, RSU5 Alliance for Thoughtful Technology, was spearheaded in recent weeks by Annie Ware with the help of several other parents. The goal, Ware said, is to address smartphone and social media use among kids prior to high school.

  • Published
    January 10, 2021

    Maine CDC identifies COVID-19 outbreaks at two Bath schools

    Fisher-Mitchell School in Bath not resume full in-person instruction for the first time since March as initially planned after the Maine CDC listed the school as an outbreak status, alongside Morse High School, according to a letter from RSU 1 Superintendent Patrick Manuel.

  • Published
    September 8, 2020

    Despite pandemic, Midcoast districts report strong start to school year

    Regional School Unit 1, Regional School Unit 5 and Maine School Administrative District 75 students walked back into the classrooms Tuesday, wearing masks and keeping their distance as they start the year.