It is too bad that vaudeville faded from the entertainment scene. Had it not done so, the crew of Republican debaters would be able to get together and go on stage and bring the house down. They are a riot. A laugh a minute.

We see a one-time frontrunner who can not remember the third of three “very important” things he would change if elected and who claimed to be pro-life after having gained the reputation of being governor of the state that executed more prisoners than any other. Another who forgot that he had an opinion 180 degrees away from his present opinion when he ran for president before. An ex-pizza mogul who coins words even worse than Palin ever did. And they and the others leapfrog each other to be leader du jour.

Any of them would be made mincemeat by Obama, worse than what FDR did to Alf Landon when he took 46 of the then 48 states. He lost only Maine and Vermont. (As Maine goes, so goes the nation, and “Dirigo.” Ayuh).

In spite of the comedy, I worry about Karl Rove and what surprises he is cooking up. We shall see.

Robert W. Vitolo


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