I was dismayed when the Legislature approved public sale of fireworks in Maine.

I considered waiting until the first terrible accident to write this, but perhaps a word in advance will avert careless damage or heartache.

By April 19, the first property incident related to fireworks was reported in the KJ, “Fire’s smoke covers Turnpike.” The report said children with sparklers burned 1.7 acres of grass and woods.

My mother, an operating room nurse for 30 years in Montana, dreaded being on call for the 4th of July holiday. Children and sometimes adults often came in needing emergency surgery for burns and other injuries. The worst was a boy who lost half his foot when a large firecracker slipped into his boot.

Some of us also are concerned about the noise affecting nesting loons and other waterfowl.

As fire officials have noted, great care and supervision are needed when using fireworks, truly best left to professionals.

Dan Meyer


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