WATERVIlLE — Photogra-phers, professional and amateur, are invited to submit photos of our area’s natural beauty to be considered for Inland Hospital’s annual report to the community.

Selected photographs will be featured in the report’s calendar section. The annual report is mailed to all homes in the greater Waterville area. Pictures may be scenic, include a community’s natural landmark or focus on a spectacular place.

Inland is interested in showing places in the Waterville area and surrounding communities (Oakland, Winslow, Fairfield, Madison, Unity, North Anson etc.) where residents can exercise or simply enjoy the great outdoors, such as walking paths, and hiking and biking trails. While people in the photos will not be named, if they can be identified in the picture, we will require photo authorization.

Photographs must be high resolution (300 dpi or at least 1 mb) in jpeg format. For large images more than 10 mb, send a low-resolution version first for review. Full color photos are preferred and submissions for consideration will only be accepted electronically, email inlandcr@emhs.org. Submission deadline is Oct. 15. Inland is unable to pay for photo use, but will give recognition in the report.

For more information, contact Tammy Poissonnier in Inland’s Community Relations Department, at 861-3392 or inlandcr@emhs.org.

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