Slate Casting, of Boston, is heading to Augusta to hold auditions for a television commercial on May 21, according to a news release from the company.
The company is looking for all types of people who love to be outside, stay healthy and have fun. People will be paid if they are chosen to appear in a commercial.
Slate Casting is looking for the following types:
• People who are active and love outdoor activities, such as hiking, skiing, kayaking, fishing, hunting, and all other outdoor recreational sports from leisurely to extreme
• Men and women between the ages of 30 and 70 who live in Maine
No acting experience is necessary. Auditions are by appointment only. Anyone interested in auditioning should e-mail a current photo and contact information to to schedule an audition time.
Slate Casting specializes in casting for industrials, commercials, films, live events, voice-overs, Web videos, theater, print, and any other project that requires talent.
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