Four people were arrested on theft and drug trafficking charges Tuesday after a SWAT team executed a search warrant at the Maine Motel in South Portland, police said.

Officers converged on the motel, located at 606 Main St., about 5:30 p.m. in connection with an ongoing investigation by the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency, South Portland Detective Sgt. Chris Todd said in a statement.

Officers set off two flash bangs, an explosive device that creates a loud bright diversion. Three people were arrested at the motel, and a fourth was apprehended as he tried to flee in a vehicle. No shots were fired and no one was injured, police said.

The Maine Motel at 606 Main St. in South Portland. Google photo

Arrested were:

• Aaron West, 36, of Westbrook, who is charged with robbery, violating conditions of release and a theft-related arrest warrant.

• Freddie Mejias, 51, of Standish, charged with aggravated trafficking in heroin, aggravated trafficking in cocaine, and possession of heroin. Meijas was found in possession of 33 grams of heroin and 24 grams of cocaine, police said.

• Jorge Torres, 30, of South Portland, charged with aggravated trafficking in heroin, a probation violation from a previous drug trafficking charge. He was found with 12 grams of heroin and 5.6 grams of cocaine in the hotel room, police said.

• Misty Gagnon, 33, of Fort Fairfield, arrested for outstanding warrants related to alleged thefts from another police agency.


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